The swell is still up from yesterday’s storm but it looks like it’s starting to subside already. The residual swell made for hard work on the fishing grounds though. Deckhand Kevin is finally back from Texas after losing his home from the Carmel valley fires. It’s great to have him back out with us working the deck with a smiling face. Anywho, we had 16 anglers and we limited out with 160 fish. The swell put down several of the fisherman giving us a handicap on the rate our fish were coming in. The guys stuck with it though and got limits for their wounded soldiers. The bigger fish we got were olives and just a couple of bottom fish. Overall we ended up with a mixed quality. The guys who fished all day had nice bags and the guys who had a hard time ended up with a couple nice fish from the crew and hand me downs.
-Captain Danny Frank for the New Horizon